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 Cumulative voting is a common way of holding

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 237
Age : 39
Localisation : Viet Nam
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2011

Cumulative voting is a common way of holding Empty
MessageSujet: Cumulative voting is a common way of holding   Cumulative voting is a common way of holding Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Nov - 20:46

Cumulative voting is a common way of holding elections in which the voters have unequal voting power, such as in corporate governance under the "one share, one vote" rule. Cumulative voting is also used as a multiple-winner method, such as in elections for a corporate board.
Cumulative voting is not fully proportional because it suffers from the same spoiler effect of the plurality voting system without a run-off process. A group of like-minded voters divided among "too many" candidates may fail to elect any winners, or elect fewer than they deserve by their size. The level of proportionality depends on how well-coordinated the voters are.

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